New | Néo: the first solid multi-purpose 5-in-1 (100g)


NEW 100G FORMAT: for long-term adventures (vanlife, camping, cycling, etc.).

VERSION 2  : Mais elle a quoi de PLUS ? 🤔
• For taste: increased lemon and peppermint essential oils🍋
• For softness on the skin: reduction of menthol 🌬️

✅ Certified COSMEBIO, 100% biodegradable

🇫🇷 Handmadein our laboratory in Lyon

Uses: Body - Hair - Toothpaste - Dishes - Laundry

Weight: 100g; With box: 142g

Dimensions : L:26 x W:50 x H:80 mm

Duration: 6 weeks for the 3 main uses: body, hair and toothpaste. 3 weeks for 5 uses.

Where to use it: ⛺️ or 🚐 or 🚴‍♀️

Compact and lightweight, it is easy to transport. With its 5 uses, this versatile all-in-one product is sufficient in itself when traveling or hiking. Each ingredient has been carefully selected to meet each use of Néo 🧼 

For shorter trips where every gram counts, opt for the 60g format .


⛰ Néo,, our 5-in-1 multi-purpose, is formulated from certified organic and natural origin ingredients. We have selected specific ingredients, to optimize the experience of Néo in each of its uses.

🌿 Our multi-purpose Néo V2 is handmade, in our laboratory in Givors, using the cold saponification process. SAF is an ecological artisanal process that preserves vegetable glycerin as well as all the benefits of vegetable oils.

✅ Our 5-in-1 protects and nourishes your skin without damaging the planet! It provides moisturizing, purifying and soothing properties, which is suitable for all skin types. Its rechargeable transport box with its removable soap dish allows you to easily transport it everywhere with you.

Conservation :

On the go: Let it dry for a few minutes before closing the box.

Usage tips :

Body and Hair Use 🚿

  • Lather Neo in your hands and use it like your soap/shower gel/shampoo. 

PS: the minty sensation can be surprising during the first uses on the body, be careful when washing your private parts 😉

  • Rinse Neo, before putting it back in its box.

Toothpaste Usage 🪥

  • Pass Néo under a stream of water, rub your toothbrush in a circular manner on Néo then brush your teeth as you usually do.
  • Rinse Neo, before putting it back in its box.

Use Dishes 🍽️

  • Run Neo under water with its removable insert, before rubbing your sponge or brush directly on the multi-use. Wash your dishes like you would with your dishwashing liquid.
  • Rinse Neo, before putting it back in its box.

Linen Usage 🧦

  • Run Néo under water and rub it directly on your laundry, wet beforehand.
  • Place Neo in its box and scrub as if you were washing it by hand.
  • Rinse Neo, before putting it back in its box.

Composition of Neo

🥥 Coconut oil : fmade from coconut albumen. Soothing, anti-oxidant, it nourishes and deeply moisturizes the skin. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-infectious properties. 

🍈 Shea butter : from the fruits of the Shea tree. Very rich in active ingredients and anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and UV-protective vitamins A and E. It deeply nourishes, regenerates, protects, softens and restructures damaged skin. 

🥜 Sesame oil : from pressed sesame oil. Nourishing, it maintains skin hydration. It has healing, regenerating and soothing properties. 

🫶 Nigella Oil : from black cumin seeds. Anti-inflammatory: joint and muscle pain and skin inflammation. Cleanses the skin, stimulates hair growth and improves healing. 

💪 Green clay : derived from a mineral rock. It has detoxifying, purifying, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties. It also ensures a neutral oral PH, creating an unfavorable environment for cavity formation.  

🌳 Siwak Powder : derived from the bark of the Siwak tree. It naturally contains fluorine. Ideal for gentle tooth cleaning and plaque removal.

❄️ Birch sugar and mint crystals : improve the product's mouthfeel. 

💪 Vitamin E : natural preservative that prevents oils from going rancid.

🌱 Organic essential oils (100% natural origin): peppermint and lemon.


INCI list

Sodium Cocoate**, Sodium Sesameseedate**, Sodium Shea Butterate**, Aqua, Glycerin**, Xylitol, Nigella Sativa Seed Oil*, Illite, Menthol, Citrus limon Peel Oil*, Salvadora persica stem powder,  Cocos nucifera oil*, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter*, Sesamum Indicum seed oil*, Limonene, Mentha Piperita Oil*

*organically grown

**processed from organic ingredients

60,64% of all ingredients are organically grown
100% ingredients of natural origin

Our options:

✉️ Home delivery by registered letter : €3.50 within 2 to 4 working days (available depending on the size and weight of the order)

📍Delivery to relay point: €3.50 delivery to Mondial Relay collection point according to your choice within 2 to 4 working days

📦 DPD home delivery, from €5.90 

🌍 International delivery: (only between 0-20kg) €10

💸 Free delivery from €44 within 2 to 4 working days (valid only in mainland France)

Our orders are delivered without plastic.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Marie-Noëlle R.
Savon 5 en 1

Utilisé à domicile en "test" puis en trek en montagne.
Nous étions 4 à l' pense que pour la durée de notre trek (4 jours), le pain de 60g aurait suffi (j'avais pris le pain de 100g) car une toute petite quantité de savon suffit à bien laver. La boîte est pratique.
Mon fils et moi avons apprécié l'odeur mentholée et la fraîcheur laissée sur la peau (surtout après une longue journée de marche). Le côté légèrement rugueux fait effet de gommage et facilite le lavage des vêtements.
Par contre, mon mari et ma fille n'ont pas apprécié ce savon...Il est vrai que le parfum étant assez puissant, il faut éviter d'en appliquer trop près des muqueuses (risque de sensation de brûlure) et le goût et la texture en bouche pour l'utilisation en dentifrice sont assez particuliers.
C'est donc un avis partagé pour notre famille.

Bonjour, merci pour votre avis,
Oui, nous pouvons comprendre que l'usage dentifrice ne plaise pas à tout le monde, évidemment les goûts sont différents pour chacun. Comme l'utilisation d'un nouveau dentifrice, il faut un temps d'adaptation pour s'y habituer :)
Nous venons d'ailleurs de sortir une version 2 de Néo où nous avons augmenté les huiles essentielles de citron qui donne un goût beaucoup plus agréable en bouche et diminution du menthol pour un savon plus doux pour la peau et les parties intimes.
À très vite pour le tester :)

Sophie F.
Parfait en rando / road trip !

Je suis partie un mois au Canada en trip rando & camping sauvage : juste parfait pour alléger le sac à dos ! J'ai pu laver mes T shirts, me laver les dents et le corps, faire la vaisselle... Et la boite, tellement pratique ! Ca fait un effet un peu frais quand on se lave avec (effet menthol), et pour se laver les dents, le goût est différent des dentifrices habituels mais perso, ça ne m'a pas du tout dérangé. Je n'ai pas testé sur les cheveux par contre. Je recommande à 100% pour les voyages !

Lucile G.
Très pratique

Savon très fonctionnel qui tient environ 3 semaines-1 mois avec une utilisation modérée.
J'adore la texture, le parfum (notamment avec les huiles essentielles), même en dentifrice c'est très pratique.
En revanche étant une fille avec les cheveux longs je ne le recommande pas comme shampoing (avis personnel).

Hello, merci pour votre avis,
Oui il arrive que sur certains types de cheveux la texture après séchage paraisse sèche. Néo reste un produit à usage ponctuel à utiliser lors de vos aventures. Si toutefois, vous n’aimez pas la sensation, nous recommandons l'utilisation d'huiles de rinçage pour les cheveux, telles que le vinaigre de cidre de pomme. Ce dernier aide à rétablir le pH naturel du cuir chevelu, offrant ainsi une solution adaptée pour un soin capillaire optimal.

Michel F.
Savon 5 en 1

J'ai testé le savon pour les cheveux et le corps.
Il mousse bien et j'apprécie son odeur délicate.
Je le testerai pour le linge le mois prochain en grande randonnée sur plusieurs jours.
J'apprécie le format 100 grammes. Il durera plus longtemps et tient bien dans la main.

Clément B.
Très pratique !

Le savon 5 en 1 est très pratique pour les treks de plusieurs jours, une bonne odeur et très bien niveau dentifrice !

and with this 👇




Is it hygienic to use Néo?

Yes, a solid soap is just as hygienic as a shower gel. As an anhydrous product (without water), bacterial growth is non-existent. In addition, having a basic pH (9), the environment is not stable for bacterial development. As a result, it is possible to wash your buttocks and then your teeth 😁 However, make sure to dry your Neo thoroughly between uses. This is why we designed Néo with a 2-in-1 box, ensuring optimal storage conditions.

What's more in version 2?

Thanks to your feedback, we have developed version 2 of Néo: • For taste: increased lemon and peppermint essential oils 🍋 • For softness on the skin: reduction of menthol 🌬️

Why choose Néo rather than a more affordable Marseille soap?

This is a unique, ecological and artisanal manufacturing process which allows the properties of the vegetable oils used to be retained and the natural glycerin to be preserved, which makes the soap slightly softer but gentler on the skin because it has a strong humectant power by forming bonds with water and maintaining a hydrating film. This manufacturing method makes it possible to obtain superior quality soaps.

Why is Néo more expensive than Marseille soap?

They are completely different products. Indeed, Néo is a superior quality soap because it is made using the cold saponification process, unlike Marseille/Aleppo soap which is made "hot". In addition, Néo has a unique formulation with specific ingredients allowing it to offer the toothpaste function. Finally, if we divide the price by the 5 uses offered, it comes to less than €2 per use 😉

Is Neo effective for cleaning teeth?

Neo contains Siwak powder, which itself contributes to the reduction of dental plaque and cavities, in particular thanks to its antibacterial properties. 🪥

Is Néo biodegradable?

Neo is biodegradable. However, like all biodegradable soaps, it is preferable to use it 50 meters from a watercourse, to minimize the impact on the aquatic environment. Indeed, today, no cosmetic product on the market is 100% biodegradable in aquatic environments. However, using a biodegradable product significantly limits your impact on the environment.

Does Néo leave a soapy taste in the mouth?

We used ingredients specific to toothpaste use to mask the taste of the soap as much as possible. Birch sugar (xylitol) and essential oils of peppermint and lemon provide a pleasant sensation in the mouth and when brushing. Little tip: you can brush your tongue with water while rinsing to make the taste disappear.

From what age can Neo be used?

Neo is not recommended for children under 5 years old and pregnant women, as it contains essential oils of peppermint and lemon as well as menthol.

Is the box included?

Yes, it is possible to choose Neo with or without box. If you want to take it with, don't forget to click on "with box" before adding it to your basket 🙂 If, however, you want to take Neo alone, you can always buy the box later individually. Find it in our products. And yes, the 2-in-1 box is airtight thanks to its lid which fits onto the container, preventing the soap from coming out of its box :)

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