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We manufacture our solid cosmetics in our laboratory south of Lyon (Givors).

Our formulas are 100% clean, good for you and for the planet. No long list of ingredients here. We evolve our products over time thanks to numerous feedback from our customers.

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New Elbe survey

New product: new Elbe

Aide nous à développer notre futur stick solaire pour cet été !


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In the meantime, discover our nomadic boxes and kits 🥾

New Sloé set: Neo Rando Kit New Sloé set: Neo Rando Kit loading
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New Sloé set: Neo Van Kit New Sloé set: Neo Van Kit loading
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Sloé set: Nomad Kit V2 Sloé set: Nomad Kit V2 loading
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Over 700 verified reviews

Thank you 🙏
I've been using them for almost a year and I'm hooked! No more plastic toothpaste tubes where you never put the right amount on the toothbrush. With the tablets you have a perfect dose, plus they are practical to take everywhere. And the packaging of the bags is 100% compostable! I recommend 200%!

Florine K - 08/2021

Aneto balm: perfect in its multi-use role when you go out and about

Julie P. - 02/2022

Savon Nil : Douceur et très agréable. A recommander. Très pratique en voyage

Alain F. - 02/2022

Elbe shampoo: first experience with a solid shampoo. Surprised and won over by the smoothness of the mousse.

Nicolas - 24/01/2022

Soap saver: I just took my shower and I tried the soap saver with the remains of my soap it is as soft as a washcloth it's great finally a gentle and non-exfoliating soap saver!! super..

Coquelicot59 - 04/2022

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