Everything you need to know about Cold Saponification (old version)
This is a unique, ecological and artisanal manufacturing process which guarantees the best possible conservation of the properties of the vegetable oils and butters used.
This manufacturing method allows for superior quality soaps. In each of the formulations we add organic vegetable oils at the end of manufacturing so as to obtain a superfat strong> from 8 to 10%,ideal for the skin. All the dyes used are 100% natural.
How it works ?
To make a solid soap you need two elements: a fatty substance, i.e. a mixture of vegetable oils on one side and on the other, a soda base, or sodium hydroxide for short.
From this mixture a chemical reaction will occur which will give rise to two elements : glycerin and soap. The chemical reaction is complete, which means that the soda is completely absorbed. And to obtain a superfatted soap the quantity of oil must be greater than that of soda. We practice a soda withdrawal of 5% in relation to the saponification index of the oil (necessary quantity of soda for the oil and soda to be completely consumed) which varies from one oil to another.< /span>
Each oil contains non-saponifiable elements (which will not react with the soda) which will provide a specific property to the soap depending on the nature of the oil.
Cold saponification is generally done at room temperature. We workatlower temperaturesthan could be practiced by others in order to protect the raw materials.
Finally, to make good quality soap you must above allhave perfect knowledge of the vegetable oils, essential oils and natural perfumes used. The proof? All our cosmetics are labeled SLOW COSMETICS.